Esalen Institute is open! However, Highway 1 to the south is closed — please review the current travel advisory.
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Due to road closures along Highway 1 to our north and south, Esalen is closed through April 11.
Esalen Institute is open! However, Highway 1 to the south is closed — please review the current travel advisory.

Esalen opens May 3, 2024

Visitors are now able to access Esalen as well as other businesses and trails in northern Big Sur via twice-daily convoys on Highway 1 operated by Caltrans.

Convoys run only at 7:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. each day. These are the only opportunities to travel into and out of Big Sur, so visitors must plan accordingly.

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Ben Saltzman

Ben Saltzman is an internationally known leadership coach, Enneagram expert, spiritual maverick, and world-class facilitator.

He has coached fortune 500 executives, politicians, superior court judges, non-profit boards, and multi-millionaire entrepreneurs who are greening the planet. He supports his clients in deepening their self-awareness, confronting psychological shadows, and shedding old limiting beliefs. 

He teaches an established set of relational skills his clients use to create successful relationships with some of the most powerful people on the planet, including Barack Obama, Elon Musk, Bill Clinton, Bill Gates, and royalty in other countries.

Ben co-founded the Israeli Enneagram Center in Tel Aviv, Israel and has taught seminars at John F. Kennedy University and the Institute of Transpersonal Psychology. 

He teaches a set of relational skills with his wife, Kerena, and his biggest challenge is using these skills with his thirteen-year-old daughter, Jordan, who he is deeply in love with.

Ben Saltzman is an internationally known leadership coach, Enneagram expert, spiritual maverick, and world-class facilitator.

Ben co-founded the Israeli Enneagram Center and has taught seminars at John F. Kennedy University. He teaches relational skills with his wife, Kerena Gordhamer Saltzman. 

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