Esalen Institute is open! However, Highway 1 to the south is closed — please review the current travel advisory.
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Due to road closures along Highway 1 to our north and south, Esalen is closed through April 11.
Esalen Institute is open! However, Highway 1 to the south is closed — please review the current travel advisory.

Esalen opens May 3, 2024

Visitors are now able to access Esalen as well as other businesses and trails in northern Big Sur via twice-daily convoys on Highway 1 operated by Caltrans.

Convoys run only at 7:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. each day. These are the only opportunities to travel into and out of Big Sur, so visitors must plan accordingly.

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Pam Kramer

Pamela Kramer is President of ITP International, a non-profit organization that stewards the work of Michael Murphy and George Leonard and their creation of Integral Transformative Practice® (ITP). ITP International conducts research, trains individuals, groups, and organizations, and sponsors workshops and public programs on the positive benefits of ITP for transforming body, mind, heart, and soul through long-term, dedicated practice. 

Pam is lead business consultant for ITPI, heads the ITP Mastery teacher training program, and facilitates growth of new ITP groups around the globe. She is a certified ITP and Leonard Energy trainer and Mindfulness (MBSR) instructor and conducts ITP workshops at Esalen Institute, IONS, Hollyhock, and other venues in the US and abroad.

She has a MS in counseling with an emphasis in Organizational Development. She has been a performance consultant, career specialist, and executive coach for the past 30 years, consulting for a broad range of organizations including Peet’s Coffee and Tea, Blue Shield of California, Stanford University and Pacific Bell, as well as numerous entrepreneurs and individuals on attaining exceptional performance and living an extraordinary life.

Pamela Kramer is President of ITP International, a non-profit organization that stewards Integral Transformative Practice and the work of its founders, George Leonard and Michael Murphy. She is an ITP Mastery teacher and presents workshops at venues in the US and abroad.

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