Esalen News March/April 2024
The burst of bloom that signals springtime has arrived and lays fertile ground for renewal and awakening. Consider yutori, a Japanese concept of spaciousness. Having enough time and peace of mind to enjoy life without constant pressure. This is what Esalen aspires to be for seekers. We don’t have to know what that is; we simply offer the space for all who come to feel their feelings and desires to carry those shifts onward when you return home. This second newsletter of 2024 is full of renewed ideas and new stories. Enjoy these varied gems, and let us know what you think, what you feel, and what you might like more of from us next time.
Designed to elevate healing and build community through transformational revelry, our campus-wide festivals are preparing to kick things off with exceptional programming from some stellar faculty and staff. July’s Summer Groove Series and September’s Altered States: Pathways to Expansion, both back for a second year, are now live for registration. They join June’s Come Together: A Festival of IntraConnectivity. Together, these large-scale gatherings enhance your “me” time with joyful, glorious “we” time. Come celebrate new opportunities for growth, transformation, and healing!
There are many reasons why you come here to be with us: to celebrate, grieve, heal, rest, pursue, and explore your potential. Our Self-Guided Explorations programming offers yutori for self-inquiry, for growth, and for transformation. This reimagined signature experience invites participants to shed winter stagnation and embrace rejuvenation during the upcoming vernal months. We welcome you for your first time, or for your return, to relish in spacious healing designed to uncover and deepen connectivity to ourselves, the planet, and one another. Share with us: What will you be coming to Esalen to explore?
The Meditation Hut, or Roundhouse, was built in the 1950s as a secluded writer’s studio for Esalen co-founder Michael Murphy’s brother, Dennis. By 1961, a young Dick Price had moved in. Not until the 1990s did the space officially transform into the Meditation Hut.
Don Hanlon Johnson remembers his incredible journey from Jesuit seminarian to somatics pioneer, the Esalen of the 1960s, and the genius of Ida Rolf, Fritz Perls, Carl Rogers, Moshe Feldenkrais, Charlotte Selver, Michael Murphy, and more.
The mighty yet friendly pine that guarded of the Bookstore, the flowerful manzanita that provided nectar for hummingbirds, the towering cypress that stood for centuries, and more. Esalen staff remembers some majestic and comforting natural guardians fallen by this winter’s devastating storms.
V Magazine
Catching Up With Professor Kesha
Mr. Feynman Takes a Trip — But Doesn't Fall
Carmel Magazine
Inside Esalen: 60 Years of Exploring Human Potential
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