Save 50% off standard tuition with code DEEP50
Save 50% off standard tuition with code DEEP50
The emotional, psychological and spiritual work for living deeply, aging wisely, dying well and showing up for the world.
A healthy life includes its death. When we live with the awareness of our approaching death and recognize that like everything in nature, we die, we have the opportunity to transform our lives and the lives of those around us. Our fear of, and our disconnect from dying and death, keep us from truly being fully alive.
As a stand-alone course and as a prerequisite for an upcoming certification program for death doulas, we will begin the work of preparing for our dying time and our death.
In a culture bereft of real elders, it is time to lean into the ways and responsibilities that this time in the world is asking of us. How are we needed and how will we show up in these coming times?
We will die and we don’t know when. The world may be dying.
How and whether we use this information will shape the course of our lives, our relationships and our attunement to the sacred. It will shape who we are as a community and how we care for each other now and when we are dying.
The emotional, psychological and spiritual work for living deeply, aging wisely, dying well and showing up for the world.
A healthy life includes its death. When we live with the awareness of our approaching death and recognize that like everything in nature, we die, we have the opportunity to transform our lives and the lives of those around us. Our fear of, and our disconnect from dying and death, keep us from truly being fully alive.
As a stand-alone course and as a prerequisite for an upcoming certification program for death doulas, we will begin the work of preparing for our dying time and our death.
In a culture bereft of real elders, it is time to lean into the ways and responsibilities that this time in the world is asking of us. How are we needed and how will we show up in these coming times?
We will die and we don’t know when. The world may be dying.
How and whether we use this information will shape the course of our lives, our relationships and our attunement to the sacred. It will shape who we are as a community and how we care for each other now and when we are dying.
Bodhi is an ordained interfaith minister and teacher in the Sufi lineage of Sufi Sam and Hazrat Inayat Khan. He is the founder and executive director of Doorway IntoLight, a nonprofit organization on Maui, which provides conscious and compassionate care for the dying, their families and the grieving, and has been offering community presentations and trainings since 2006 in the fields of awakened living and dying and the care of the dying.
Bodhi is an ordained interfaith minister and teacher in the Sufi lineage of Sufi Sam and Hazrat Inayat Khan. He is the founder and executive director of Doorway IntoLight, a nonprofit organization on Maui, which provides conscious and compassionate care for the dying, their families and the grieving, and has been offering community presentations and trainings since 2006 in the fields of awakened living and dying and the care of the dying.
Doorway Into Light operates Hawaii’s only nonprofit certified green funeral home as well as an educational resource center and store on Maui, ‘The Death Store’.
An organic, off-the-grid homesteader in Hawaii for 26 years, he grows tropical fruit with his wife, children and grandchildren.
Bodhi is a funeral director providing before, and after-death care; an end-of-life and bereavement counselor and educator; a hospice volunteer; a home funeral guide; a teacher and trainer of death doulas; a speaker and workshop leader and a ceremonial guide. He hosts a weekly streaming radio show, ‘Death Tracks’, on a Maui station.
Bodhi guides memorials and funerals and leads grief rituals. He facilitates grief support groups for teenagers. He has trained hundreds of doctors, nurses, hospice staff, social workers, ministers, chaplains, therapists, artists and lay people in the spiritual, psychological, emotional and logistical care of the dying and the care of the dead, and for 4 years has taken dozens through a certification program to be death doulas. Bodhi has written a column called “Ask the Death Professor” for a local Maui magazine. He is a notary public, a coffin maker and a Reiki practitioner.
Bodhi and his wife Leilah lead spiritual retreats in Hawaii and around the world.
For many years Bodhi collaborated with Ram Dass, a neighbor and friend, who served on Doorway Into Light’s Board of Directors.
Bodhi is continuing the work Ram Dass helped birth, in the fields of conscious dying in America.
Save 50% off standard tuition with code DEEP50
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January 23, 2022
This online workshop is for people who are interested to learn more about dying, death, and how to live a fulfilled life. It is appropriate for anyone involved in death-work, including social workers, doctors, nurses, hospice care facilitators, end of life practitioners, and death doulas, or for people who care for a dying loved one, those who have recently experienced the death of someone close to them, and anyone seriously engaged in the field of transforming consciousness.
“To change our culture, to change our lives, requires the transformation of consciousness, and few things shift consciousness as quickly as an awareness of death.”
Bodhi is an ordained interfaith minister and teacher in the Sufi lineage of Sufi Sam and Hazrat Inayat Khan. He is the founder and executive director of Doorway IntoLight, a nonprofit organization on Maui, which provides conscious and compassionate care for the dying, their families and the grieving, and has been offering community presentations and trainings since 2006 in the fields of awakened living and dying and the care of the dying.
Bodhi is an ordained interfaith minister and teacher in the Sufi lineage of Sufi Sam and Hazrat Inayat Khan. He is the founder and executive director of Doorway IntoLight, a nonprofit organization on Maui, which provides conscious and compassionate care for the dying, their families and the grieving, and has been offering community presentations and trainings since 2006 in the fields of awakened living and dying and the care of the dying.
Doorway Into Light operates Hawaii’s only nonprofit certified green funeral home as well as an educational resource center and store on Maui, ‘The Death Store’.
An organic, off-the-grid homesteader in Hawaii for 26 years, he grows tropical fruit with his wife, children and grandchildren.
Bodhi is a funeral director providing before, and after-death care; an end-of-life and bereavement counselor and educator; a hospice volunteer; a home funeral guide; a teacher and trainer of death doulas; a speaker and workshop leader and a ceremonial guide. He hosts a weekly streaming radio show, ‘Death Tracks’, on a Maui station.
Bodhi guides memorials and funerals and leads grief rituals. He facilitates grief support groups for teenagers. He has trained hundreds of doctors, nurses, hospice staff, social workers, ministers, chaplains, therapists, artists and lay people in the spiritual, psychological, emotional and logistical care of the dying and the care of the dead, and for 4 years has taken dozens through a certification program to be death doulas. Bodhi has written a column called “Ask the Death Professor” for a local Maui magazine. He is a notary public, a coffin maker and a Reiki practitioner.
Bodhi and his wife Leilah lead spiritual retreats in Hawaii and around the world.
For many years Bodhi collaborated with Ram Dass, a neighbor and friend, who served on Doorway Into Light’s Board of Directors.
Bodhi is continuing the work Ram Dass helped birth, in the fields of conscious dying in America.
Every Monday & Thursday for 6 weeks
Mon 1/10 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Thu 1/13 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Mon 1/17 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Thu 1/20 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Mon 1/24 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Thu 1/27 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Mon 1/31 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Thu 2/3 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Mon 2/7 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Thu 2/10 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Mon 2/14 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
Thu 2/17 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM
*All times listed in Pacific Standard Time
Pricing tiers have been created to meet you where you are. Through the support of Esalen Institute and your fellow students; tuition for those who request financial assistance is available at a discounted rate.
Our Pay-It-Forward program gives those who are able an opportunity to pay it forward and contribute for someone who may need financial assistance.