Healthy relationships are an essential key to happiness. We want to trust each other, shine as we are, and be seen in a real way. Relationships require real work — on ourselves, in offering compassionate reception to others — and the cultivation of brave space to do this work. And we need to celebrate all along the way!
Alchemy of Love is a nourishing weekend for committed couples to renew, connect, and deepen in their love. Sianna and Masood will guide you with yoga, healing music, shadow work for couples, energy-harnessing techniques, and keys for daily transformation. This is the perfect alchemical elixir for relationships in the modern-day.
In this experiential weekend, you will discover new ways to appreciate each other with respect, compassion, courage, and honesty. Each day there will be a yoga practice to revitalize your connection with yourself and each other. Daily sound baths and meditation journeys will support your daily renewal.
You will explore the inner psyche of your relationship with shadow work skills and emotional intimacy techniques. Shadow work will help you to identify wounds and unhealthy habits without shame or blame and to meet each other in a supportive way when wounds are triggered. Emotional intimacy will help to strengthen the bond between you and open the true flow of the heart.
You will receive the Alchemy of Love workbook with insights for daily transformation and ways to keep growing as a couple. Throughout the weekend, we will practice these techniques in a safe container as you connect with your partner in an authentic way. You will receive tools and impactful ways to renew your relationship, deepen your bond, and grow together in the Alchemy of Love.
Recommended reading: Bringing your Shadow Out of the Dark: Breaking Free from the Hidden Forces that Drive You — by our teacher and mentor for shadow work, Robert Augustus Master
This workshop is specifically for committed couples of all levels, who wish to deepen with intimacy, or simply nourish and renew together. We ask for only committed couples to join us, and offer the recognition that we are not therapists, and we are not going to “fix” anyone’s relationships. We are in service to deepening intimacy in conscious relationships.
Sianna Sherman (she/her) has been a celebrated international yoga teacher for three decades. She is the visionary of the Rasa Yoga Collective, Mythic Yoga Flow®, and RITUAL. As a gifted storyteller, she awakens the imagination through the language of the soul.
Masood Ali Khan (he/him) is one of the pioneers of the hand pan with a mesmerizing combination of sacred mantras infused with the power of the heart #Bhaktihandpankirtan