Esalen Institute is open! However, Highway 1 to the south is closed — please review the current travel advisory.
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Due to road closures along Highway 1 to our north and south, Esalen is closed through April 11.
Esalen Institute is open! However, Highway 1 to the south is closed — please review the current travel advisory.
past workshop

Awakening Joy and Wonder: A Mindfulness in Nature Retreat

September 10–12, 2021

with Mark Coleman and Lori Schwanbeck

In these volatile and uncertain times, where so much of our lives are lived virtually, it is vital we stay connected to our own bodies and the body of the earth to access wisdom and perspective.

Opening the senses, the heart, and the mind to the wonder of nature revitalizes and reconnects us to our aliveness. During our time together, we will use nature to cultivate a receptive, embodied quality of attention where states of joy, awe, and wonder will increase your capacity for well-being and inspired action.

  • Guided meditations, integrating awareness of nature within us and around us
  • Sensory-based mindfulness practices that increase aliveness and remind us of our intimacy with all of life
  • Interactive dyad inquiries building mindful presence with each other
  • Deepening inner wisdom through listening to the teachings of the ‘more than human’ world
  • Discussion on cultivating an aware and engaged relationship with the natural world

This retreat draws on mindfulness traditions — the capacity to be present to ourselves, each other and the world around us — to develop a contemplative relationship with nature. We weave in practices found in Mark Coleman’s book, Awake in the Wild, as well as sensory embodiment and positive psychology practices Lori Schwanbeck uses in her clinical work.  

Recommended reading: Awake in the Wild, by Mark Coleman.

Mark Coleman

Mark Coleman is a Buddhist meditation teacher who has been teaching insight meditation for 20 years. He is author of Awake in the Wild, From Suffering to Peace, and Make Peace with Your Mind, and leads nature-based meditation retreats and mindfulness teacher trainings in the U.S. and Europe.

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Lori Schwanbeck

Lori Schwanbeck weaves her passion for nature into her work as a mindfulness teacher, retreat leader, and Hakomi certified psychotherapist. She is a senior teacher and program developer with the Google-born program “Search Inside Yourself Leadership Institute”, where she teaches mindfulness-based emotional intelligence programs internationally. Her current project is called “Re-wilding our Feminine Nature” where she integrates embodied, relational, and presence-based practices to rekindle vitality, joy, and awe through immersion in nature.

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