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Esalen Institute is open! However, Highway 1 to the south is closed — please review the current travel advisory.
past workshop

Discovering Childhood Solutions, Enacted in our Adult Body, Preventing Physical and Emotional Healing. Advanced CFR®

October 7–11, 2024

Harriet Goslins, Judy Greenman, Melissa Krikorian and Tomas Prietto

Recent brain research reveals how constant predictions based on old information can run our lives. As we are flooded with current sensory information, our brains compare past and present to identify discrepancies called “prediction errors,” updating the old predictions to create a better working model of the world.  

Inaccurate predictions are often based on unconscious habits of moving, feeling, and thinking — responses developed as childhood solutions to surviving family systems. We’ll make the big people happy so they will love us. Or we’ll try to stop them from hurting. We shift our behaviors toward pleasing or protecting. With mistreatment, we shut down. All these solutions required muscular enforcement. Later, these reactions became adult behaviors — maintained by habitual contractions in our necks, eyes, jaws, backs, and bellies —  but predictions based on protective habits are no longer needed or helpful as we recover from injuries.

We can dissolve the hold these old patterns have over us, not by willpower, leaving old instructions in place, or superimposing new commands, but by kinesthetically sensing in our body where — and how — we keep compulsively reenacting them.

CFR® increases the amount and quality of our incoming sensory information. By bringing habits into awareness through exploratory floor work, we connect them to brain areas more supportive of change. By realizing they were clever ways to survive, we develop the self-compassion essential for healing. As our predictions become more accurate, based on the present time, we can make better choices.

Bring your issues, your lingering problems from injuries, and a desire for increased joyful movement.

Please note: This is an advanced class. Participants must have taken CFR® Week 1.

Harriet Goslins

Harriet Goslins developed Cortical Field Reeducation®. A Feldenkrais practitioner since 1985 and Integrated Awareness teacher, her background is in psychosynthesis, applied kinesiology, muscle energy, craniosacral work, and social anthropology. She has been teaching at Esalen for 32 consecutive years.

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Judy Greenman

Judy Greenman is an international retreat leader, empowerment coach, and Cortical Field Re-Education® Trainer. For 25 years, she has taught individuals and groups around the world to access the miraculous intelligence of their nervous system for physical and emotional healing and personal growth.

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Melissa Krikorian

Melissa Krikorian is a physical therapist with over 25 years of experience and a Cortical Field Re-Education® (CFR)Trainer. She uses the most current neuroscience research to inform how she works with groups and private clients to restore physical function and emotional ease.

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Tomas Prietto

Tomas Prietto, CFR, CST, is one of the longstanding creative forces in the Cortical Field Re-Education® community. He has spent the past two decades studying a variety of modalities, including Craniosacral Therapy, Visceral Manipulation, Tai Ji, and Integrated Awareness®.

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