Join us as we dive into the mystery of spirit and matter in our human lives.
There are great and painful misunderstandings about the relationship between our physical nature, expressed in our instincts; our emotional nature, expressed through our relationship to love; and our spiritual nature. For centuries, these three realms have been held in opposition to one another. This is best expressed in the apparent polarity between heaven and earth. During our time together, we will dive deep into these apparent polarities, opening up the possibility that these realms not only serve each other but are expressions of each other.
We will inquire into these realms through the lens of the Diamond Approach, a modern-day spiritual path that utilizes the wisdom of modern psychological perspectives and ancient spiritual knowledge. Through this inquiry, we will uncover the interplay between the forces of the human soul and our most subtle spiritual nature. Rather than seeing spirit and the body as separate realms, our explorations will reveal them to be a unified expression of the true harmony of our nature. The power, excitement, and passion we all possess can become our entry into the deepest realms of the soul.
We will engage your direct experience through sensing, inquiry, meditation, and group exercises to support your understanding and experience of what we call Divine Eros. We will support the meeting of these forces with a love of truth expressed in curiosity, kindness, and respect.
By opening up the realm of the Eros, we can see how love not only unites the mind and body but also our desire for a deeper connection with the realization of our spiritual natures. Eros, which includes sexuality, is a profound force in the soul whose liberation is needed for deep inner work. The body and its forces can become vehicles for direct experience of the sacred nature of our instincts and desires, including our desire for freedom.
Our exploration will be grounded in meditation practice as a way to understand the various forces at work in our spiritual practices.
Jessica Britt has been a student of A.H. Almass, founder of the Diamond Approach™, since 1977. A Diamond Approach™ teacher since 1985. Presently, she is a training director and leads ongoing groups in Europe and the US. In the ’80s, she was on the Gestalt staff of Esalen Institute, creating an integration of Reichian and Gestalt work.
Vince has been teaching the Diamond Approach for the past 22 years and has been a student for 34 years. He leads ongoing Diamond Approach groups in California, The Netherlands and Ireland as well as individuals. He is married with two children.