Time flies when you’re in your lane doing what you do best, operating in the ways that are the most natural and effective for you.
This workshop incorporates the Kolbe assessment to gain clarity and understanding of your instinctual style of being in the world. Once you have that, you are free to structure your world to support you instead of exhausting you. You can be truly free to be and do you!
In this workshop, you are invited to learn:
The Kolbe is a unique assessment. It does not evaluate intelligence, personality, or social style. Instead, it measures the instinctive ways you take action when you are in your zone. It helps you understand and honor how you naturally move through the world and interact with others. When you are allowed to be yourself and play to your natural strengths, the difference can feel astounding.
Once you understand your Kolbe profile, you can easily structure life’s activities and leverage your instinct style to your advantage while mitigating the activities that exhaust you, which deliver “lesser” results. Relatively minor adjustments can create great joy in your life.
Acclaimed psychic medium/teacher Brenda Rose, renowned for her powerful spiritual transmissions, inspires hearts and minds to process the unseen. Her healing presence creates a connection of safety and curiosity for you to awaken and explore at your own pace.