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Esalen Institute is open! However, Highway 1 to the south is closed — please review the current travel advisory.
past workshop

Healing the Pelvic Core™

July 25–31, 2022

with Suzanne Scurlock

Women have a unique power of creativity fueled by our reproductive system — the power to create new life and to give birth to our passion projects.

The problem? That energy is often BLOCKED by physical, emotional, or spiritual trauma to the pelvic core and the female organs.

This workshop is designed for all women. You’ll be guided through specialized imagery, movement and hands-on exercises — all done with clothing on — to heal the pelvic core, including the vagina and uterus — the places that tend to hold our deepest wounds.

Wounds may include intimate traumas: rape, abortion, sexual abuse, surgery, childbirth tearing and scars. Wounds also present through self-esteem issues and negative images about our femininity.

Because self-knowledge is vital, you’ll learn simple scientific and anatomic information. You’ll take away practices of profound self-care using pelvic floor yoga and abdominal massage.

You’ll experience exciting new possibilities for renewed feminine energy, better health, and a deeper sense of pleasure in being the passionate, creative woman you are.

There will be time to explore nature and use our connection to the earth to deepen our connection with ourselves. The course will culminate in an evening of nurturing at the Esalen baths.

In this program…

  • Students will learn how to take a baseline in sensation within their own bodies.
  • Students will explore various methods to refill their inner energy reservoirs for maximum health and presence.
  • Students will identify limiting beliefs and discover their antidotes.
  • Students will reclaim their power and path to health for themselves.
  • Students will learn about female anatomy and physiology.

Identity: This workshop is for women born with female anatomy and the accompanying cultural issues.

Attire/Supplies: wear loose and comfortable clothing (preferably no jeans or skirts) as class involves some movement work. A sweater and an extra pair of socks are suggested for times of stillness. You may wish to bring coloring implements and a journal with you to use in class, and/or during our breaks.

Pre-study: it is highly recommended that you read Suzanne Scurlock’s books and listen to the audio downloads that accompany them even if you are not a reader.

Reclaiming Your Body: Healing from Trauma and Awakening to Your Body’s Wisdom (New World Library, 2017. Available via Audio or PDF download at Healing From the Core.) This book comes with several hours of audio downloads to help awaken and deepen into your inner wisdom. Download instructions are found along with transcripts of the explorations in the book.

Full Body Presence: Learning to Listen to Your Body’s Wisdom (New World Library, 2010. Available via Audio or PDF download at Healing From the Core.) Full Body Presence also includes downloads; instructions for obtaining them are at the end of Chapter One. These explorations and are also included with Reclaiming Your Body, which has quite a few more for you to practice with and enjoy as well.

Suzanne Scurlock

Suzanne Scurlock is the author of Reclaiming Your Body and Full Body Presence, a CranioSacral therapy instructor for the Upledger Institute since 1987, and creator of the Healing From the Core® curriculum. She specializes in conscious awareness and its relationship to the healing process and has taught at Esalen since 1994.

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