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Esalen Institute is open! However, Highway 1 to the south is closed — please review the current travel advisory.
past workshop

Healing the Pelvic Core : Reclaiming the Creative Power of Being a Woman

August 27 – September 3, 2023

Suzanne Scurlock

As women, we tend to overlook the creative power locked away in one of our primal energy centers. This may surprise you, but this energy center isn’t the heart or even the brain. So, where does our creative energy get blocked?

It is easy to miss, but creative power can actually get trapped in the pelvis, the special area of the body that gives us the ability to create new life. That new life may be another human being — or it could be a passion project that makes your spirit sing. It might be that memoir you’ve always wanted to write to help other women move through life with more ease and courage. Or that inspiring new business you want to launch from your kitchen table. Or it could be that juicy new course you feel called to create and teach online. All that creative energy can be blocked — unless you intentionally release, heal, transform, and integrate it.

Physical, emotional, or spiritual trauma to the pelvic floor can be standing in the way of you being and feeling fully alive. In this course, we use guided imagery, movement, and hands-on exercises (all clothed) to heal the pelvic core, including the vagina and uterus — places that often hold our deepest wounds. These wounds can include rape, abortion, miscarriage, sexual abuse, surgery, childbirth tearing and scaring, self-esteem issues, and negative imagery about our femininity. We’ll also learn scientific and anatomic information and practice pelvic core yoga and abdominal massage.

Rarely does a course offer the opportunity for this type of in-depth healing that women desire. In these seven days, you will experience whole new possibilities for renewed feminine energy, greater health, and a deeper sense of pleasure in being a woman.

We will also spend time exploring nature and how our connection to the earth deepens our connection to ourselves. The workshop will culminate in a special evening of nurturing at the Esalen natural hot spring baths.

In addition to being extremely profound for women on a personal level, this course is valuable for healthcare professionals or anyone wishing to learn non-invasive techniques to heal women.

Recommended Reading: Read and Listen to the audio in Full Body Presence: Learning to Listen to Your Body’s Wisdom,  and Reclaiming Your Body: Healing From Trauma and Awakening to Your  Body’s Wisdom. See the Online Training Center at for additional recommended reading list and handouts for the class.

Suzanne Scurlock

Suzanne Scurlock is the author of Reclaiming Your Body and Full Body Presence, a CranioSacral therapy instructor for the Upledger Institute since 1987, and creator of the Healing From the Core® curriculum. She specializes in conscious awareness and its relationship to the healing process and has taught at Esalen since 1994.

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