This workshop calls you to rest in the natural beauty of Big Sur while gaining a foundation in the art and practice of Esalen® Massage. You will learn to sensitively listen to your partner and yourself. The basic core of Esalen Massage includes grounding, moving from the center, quality of touch, proper draping, applying classic Esalen long lengthening strokes, and listening to each person and each body. Skills to address specific problems in the neck, shoulders and low back, just to name a few, will also be presented. Each day will include a brief massage demonstration, including instruction in self-care, with plenty of time to practice giving and receiving with your classmates. By the end of the week, you will be able to give and receive a simple and satisfying massage session.
The instructors will accommodate the group’s different skill levels with at-the-table guidance. Beginners will be taught the basic tools to more skillfully massage their partners, friends, and family. Experienced practitioners will gain techniques that can easily be integrated into their massage sessions, inspiring and infusing their work with a deep sense of presence and flow. An optional evening at the baths — the birthplace of Esalen massage — will be included, weather and space permitting. This workshop is especially useful for those wishing to learn massage and those in the helping and healing professions working with their clients and patients.
Ellen Watson fell in love with breath when she first arrived at Esalen in the 1980s. During the ensuing years, studying breath became a focus in all her pursuits. In addition to enhancing self-awareness, breath informs all the practices Ellen teaches at Esalen today. Among these practices are Esalen Massage & Bodywork, 5Rhythms®, Touching Essence, and the Vibrance Collective Practices.
Robin Fann Costanzo is a senior instructor who uses her background in dance and yoga to inform her practice. Robin specializes in trauma resolution and applies that to her practice.