Esalen Institute is open! However, Highway 1 to the south is closed — please review the current travel advisory.
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Due to road closures along Highway 1 to our north and south, Esalen is closed through April 11.
Esalen Institute is open! However, Highway 1 to the south is closed — please review the current travel advisory.
past workshop

Moon Lodge: Honoring the Sacred Feminine

May 30 – June 3, 2022

with Lucia Horan and Dr. Julie Von

Join us as we journey into the Moon Lodge, an exploration of tribal and ritual healing for women. How empowered do you feel as a woman navigating this world? What is your relationship to the feminine and her wisdom?

In a world built by dominator cultures, many do not feel the freedom to be fully empowered, and women worldwide have borne the brunt of the cultural norm. The 5Rhythms is a direct path to embodiment and empowerment. By showing up in a practice of presence one can begin to clear the past and live fully in the present. In this dynamic workshop, we will focus our energies on releasing the wild feminine into full fruitful existence.

This workshop will be about celebrating the body of Woman and the sacred feminine within. Through dance, meditation, massage, acupuncture, and ritual cleansing baths, we will share in the sisterhood of humanity. We will poultice the wounds and celebrate the great gift of our ancestors.

Dr Julie Von is a specialist in women’s health. She will be presenting her unique perspective from Chinese Medicine on the five elements, psycho-somatic process, restorative acupuncture, and self-care. She will share how to prioritize these pillars so that you can see when you are in or out of balance. All practices taught here you will be able to bring home and implement into your daily life.

Lucia will guide the group  in integrating the stillness of Buddhist mindfulness meditation with the moving meditations of the 5Rhythms®. 5Rhythms is a moving meditation practice, a map of how energy moves. It shows us the patterns, rhythms, and cycles of life — Flowing, Staccato, Chaos, Lyrical and Stillness®. The Buddha encouraged us to bring wise attention to every aspect of our lives.

In this workshop, we will engage in…

  • 5Rhythms Moving Meditation
  • Insight meditation
  • Restorative acupuncture
  • Women’s health practices
  • Woman’s council
  • Group sharing
  • Spa treatments

In sitting meditation, we have the opportunity to observe the mind and body at rest through silent introspection. In the practice of the 5Rhythms, we engage in mindfulness while in motion. The 5Rhythms is a map that teaches us how energy moves. The polarities of moving and sitting meditation together mirror the dance of life and open the door to peace, well-being, and balance.

No experience is required. All workshop hours contribute to 5Rhythms® teachers training prerequisites.

Lucia Horan

Lucia Horan was born in 1976 on the sacred land of Esalen in Big Sur. She was raised in the Esalen community and taught the practices that were developed by those who came before her. She was certified as an Esalen® Massage practitioner in 1994. She became a Hatha & Ashtanga yoga teacher in 1997. Lucia received lifelong direct training with Gabrielle Roth in the 5Rhythms® moving meditation practice and has been teaching 5Rhythms since 1998. She also has a BA from Goddard College with a major in expressive art therapy.

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Julie Von

Dr. Julie Von is a holistic doctor, author, and speaker specializing in fertility. Dr. Von began her career apprenticing with healers, shamans, and doctors around the world. Her acclaimed book, Spiritual Fertility, is the benchmark text on the link between trauma and conception.

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