Everyone is or can become fertile. While this may seem debatable, even inflammatory, it is actually, wholeheartedly, true. Our common societal standards for measuring fertility, however, are deeply flawed. We are indoctrinated from our formative years to understand the definition of fertility as a physical concept, but what of the spiritual? Our narratives around fertility offer much in the way of diagnosing perceived haves and haves-not, but little in the way of care of the mind, body, and spirit.
Moon Lodge: Spiritual Fertility was brought into the world as a clarion call to those who have felt alone or discouraged on their fertility journey. It is meant to help you cultivate the sovereignty to navigate this journey and to develop a deeper relationship with a universe of untapped energies that can be accessed to your benefit.
In this workshop, you will learn powerful healing tools…
Join us for exploration in healing family wounds, releasing trauma from your own perinatal/birth experience, and clearing blockages that can be caused by miscarriage, termination, and trauma from medical procedures.
We will discover and be strengthened in our individual connection to sacred motherhood as we join together in the strength of the sharing circle to collectively heal. Through moving and seated meditation, self-care, Women’s health fundamentals, and supportive sharing circles, together we will hold, heal and create new paths for conception and motherhood.
Lucia Horan was born in 1976 on the sacred land of Esalen in Big Sur. She was raised in the Esalen community and taught the practices that were developed by those who came before her. She was certified as an Esalen® Massage practitioner in 1994. She became a Hatha & Ashtanga yoga teacher in 1997. Lucia received lifelong direct training with Gabrielle Roth in the 5Rhythms® moving meditation practice and has been teaching 5Rhythms since 1998. She also has a BA from Goddard College with a major in expressive art therapy.
Dr. Julie Von is a holistic doctor, author, and speaker specializing in fertility. Dr. Von began her career apprenticing with healers, shamans, and doctors around the world. Her acclaimed book, Spiritual Fertility, is the benchmark text on the link between trauma and conception.