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Esalen Institute is open! However, Highway 1 to the south is closed — please review the current travel advisory.
past workshop

Mystical Realism in Movies: Meeting the Numinous Through Mindful Viewing of Films

July 17–22, 2022

with Francis Lu

The beginning of awe is wonder, and the beginning of wisdom is awe. —Abraham Heschel

Rudolph Otto described the numinous — Mysterium tremendum et fascinans — as the wholly other, experienced as a breakthrough of wonder, both fearful and fascinating. Joseph Campbell echoed Otto when he said that “The first function of a mythology is to reconcile waking consciousness to the mystérium tremendum et fascinans of this universe as it is.”

Filmmakers continually offer us new opportunities to experience the numinous through mystical realism. Quoting Esalen co-founder Michael Murphy, Jeffrey Kripal gives us a definition of how mystical realism appears in film: “[As] an imaginative elaboration of human experiences that have actually occurred to numerous individuals… something both fundamentally subjective (mystical), but also empirical and objective (realism).”

In this workshop, through mindful viewing of ten films exemplifying mystical realism, you will discover Campbell’s “awesome ultimate mystery which is beyond and within [an individual’s] self and all things.” Your cinematic repertoire will include films directed by Stanley Kubrick, Peter Weir, Terrence Malick, Robert Zemeckis, Werner Herzog, and David Attenborough among others, along with works inspired by the writings of Carl Sagan.

Developed over the course of 28 film seminars led at Esalen by Francis G. Lu, M.D. and Brother David Steindl-Rast, this seminar employs methods including mindful film viewing, contemplative reflection, and group interaction focused on the participant’s unique experience of carefully curated films. The viewing experience will be supported by 4K Blu-Ray video projection and a surround sound of seven loudspeakers.

There will be an extensive PDF syllabus for each film.

Francis Lu

Francis G. Lu, MD, is the Kim Professor in Cultural Psychiatry, Emeritus, at UC, Davis. Since 1987, he has led or co-led 37 film seminars at Esalen on positive psychological qualities and character virtues, 28 with Brother David Steindl-Rast.

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