Esalen Institute is open! However, Highway 1 to the south is closed — please review the current travel advisory.
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Due to road closures along Highway 1 to our north and south, Esalen is closed through April 11.
Esalen Institute is open! However, Highway 1 to the south is closed — please review the current travel advisory.
past workshop

Stories That Make Us Whole: The Power of Writing in Sacred Community

March 20–24, 2023

Laura Davis and Guest Faculty Evelyn Hall

When the world around us is polarized and the future is uncertain, gathering in community, living in our bodies, and expressing the truth is more important than ever.

In this transformative five-day writing workshop, we’ll use ritual and deep writing to connect with our inner voice, discover the healing power of language, and birth powerful true stories onto the page. Evocative prompts, movement, and guided meditation will lead you deeply into the world of language and story. Discover how to “find the story beneath the story,” why writers need to “slow down where it hurts,” and the secret of crafting tales rooted in the immediacy and physicality of the moment.

As we alternate periods of writing and movement with listening to each other from a place of deep acceptance, you’ll benefit from the strength of a supportive writing circle, witness the healing power of language, and experience the transformation that occurs when we tell true stories and are deeply heard. Open to anyone willing to connect with their creativity in the context of a safe, confidential community. Both emerging and seasoned writers are welcome to attend.

Laura will be joined by Guest Faculty Evelyn Hall. Evelyn Hall is a social worker, master hypnotherapist, and minister. For the past 36 years, Evelyn has guided individuals and led groups, helping people find healing in body, mind, and spirit. Evelyn specializes in transformative healing practices, including somatic awareness, movement, meditation, healing through nature, and leading sacred ceremonies; she has a healing center in Soquel, CA.

Laura Davis

Laura Davis is the author of seven groundbreaking books, including The Courage to Heal and her award-winning memoir, The Burning Light of Two Stars. Laura loves creating supportive, intimate writing communities online, in person, and on international writing adventures.

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