In Visceral Manipulation 1 (VM1), you will study the models and theories of functional biomechanics as viewed from Barral's innovative approach.
Workshop highlights include:
Prerequisite: This course is intended for licensed or certified healthcare professionals, or for students nearing completion in their studies to become a healthcare professional, with palpation skills and experience as well as anatomical knowledge. Upon registration you will receive a list of anatomical terms and structures to review in advance of the course to help you achieve maximum benefit from attending.
Note: Initial registration for this workshop is through the International Alliance of Healthcare Educators (IAHE) only. IAHE is a coalition of curriculum developers united to advance innovative therapies through high-quality continuing education programs. To begin the registration process, please call 1-800-233-5880. Only after you have registered with IAHE will you be able to register with Esalen. For Esalen pricing chart, see
24 hours credit
CE credit for physical therapists in CA; see leader.
CE credit for acupuncturists; see leader.
CE credit for massage; see leader
CE credit for nurses; see leader
Required reading: Barrel, Visceral Manipulation.
In addition to reading the textbook, please familiarize yourself with the definitions and/or locations of the anatomical terms available at:
Dee Dettmann Ahern, PT, BI-D, CST-D, received her Bachelor of Science degree in physical therapy from the University of Iowa. As a manual physical therapist since 1978, she became interested in CranioSacral Therapy and has studied with Upledger Institute International since 1984. A practitioner of Visceral Manipulation since 1987, Dee became an instructor of that work in 1994, and teaches and speaks internationally for The Barral Institute.