In this incredible new program, internationally acclaimed Enneagram expert Russ Hudson and internationally respected psychologist and "Enneagram JEDI" Dr. Deborah Egerton team up to bring you a deeper understanding of how the Enneagram process can be applied not only to ourselves, but also to humanity's path toward social justice, toward racial healing, and to bringing these practices into our every day awareness and lives.
A growing number of people are aware of the Enneagram as an accurate and profound map of personality. The nine Enneagram types are based on the three primary centers of intelligence: thinking, emotion and instinct. However, in almost all human beings, distortions or blockages in these centers have led to a loss of connection with our essential nature and to the arising of ego structures to compensate for this loss. Thus, while our Enneagram type usually obscures our true nature with a characteristic web of defenses, it can also serve as an opening to the deeper reality of spirit.
In this new program, we will explore how the Enneagram can show the connection between inner work and the world of social justice. We unlock the Enneagram's potential as a tool for healing and strengthening the purpose of those who are seeking an opportunity to learn how to engage as cultural allies & advocates--racial bridge builders for marginalized communities.
Authentic inner work helps us address issues of diversity by taking us to the heart of our humanity--the place from which we can truly meet others. We will learn how the practices of self-observation can free us from the deeper issues of our personality, and also from the roots of our biases, so that we can truly be agents of healing in our world. The experiential exercises are designed for participants to take ownership and action as cultural allies and advocate for all people.
We dive deep into the unique perspectives of each type and explore how we have access to all 9 lenses & their inherent gifts. Our journey leads us to uncover the importance of embracing all 9 lenses in the same light that we embrace all of humanity & our universal oneness.
Recommended reading: Between the World and Me by Ta-Nehisi Coates, and CASTE: The Origin of our Discontents by Isabel Wilkerson.
Russ Hudson is one of the top teachers and developers of the Enneagram system in the world today. He is the co-author, with Don Richard Riso, of several books, including The Wisdom of the Enneagram and Personality Types.
Deborah Threadgill Egerton, Ph.D. is an Internationally Respected Psychotherapist, Best-selling Author, and Unity & Belonging Advocate for the Healing of Humanity. In her multifaceted roles of Consultant, Coach, Mentor, and Spiritual Teacher she focuses on guiding humanity toward a more compassionate approach engaging inner work by harnessing the insights of the Enneagram.