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“I'm really glad that they accepted older people [at Esalen] because I think that we still have a lot to contribute…I can be an example to my community.”

DeAnna C.
Lincoln, CA
Retired Massage Therapist

All who come to Esalen are called. I think it’s for lovers, for dreamers, for teachers and healers. It is for all who are seeking healing and peace, not only for ourselves, but for the world.

When you come to Esalen, it is like your ego colliding with nature…there’s this big explosion and then after you fall apart and everything, then you're just emptied out. And [that] leaves room for growing and…just letting a lot of stuff go away.

The power of the natural elements and ourselves connected [is what makes Esalen unique]. Esalen is the melting pot for all of that. It stirs it up, and wakes us up.

To experience Esalen, one must be willing to let go and grow.

I’m really glad that they accepted older people [at Esalen] because I think that we still have a lot to contribute…I can be an example to my community. That it’s okay for us to get out and experience new things. It would be so enlightening if they could just get a little taste of that.

DeAnna C.
Lincoln, CA
Retired Massage Therapist