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“The scholarship came at a really good time. It seemed like it was an invitation to come...like Esalen wants me to be there.”

Jim D.
Culver City, CA
PhD Candidate in Depth Psychology

The scholarship came at a really good time. It seemed like it was an invitation to come…like Esalen wants me to be there. I tried to stay really open to everything as a way of honoring that invitation. To be invited and encouraged to come just really seemed nice and special and I’m very grateful for that opportunity.

[Most] everything else on the Big Sur Coast is private. To have that communal space, that’s not a golf course, or not privately controlled and owned, but an open space where people could come, it’s special. I’m very grateful for the Murphy family.

I really do find something special when I go to [Esalen]. It’s a combination of everything, the learning, the food, the meal times, the baths, the lack of electromagnetic radiation, disconnecting from the phone, spending an afternoon looking at the water. It’s just all certainly different from my life in Los Angeles and it’s really appreciated.

Jim D.
Culver City, CA
PhD Candidate in Depth Psychology