A renowned Brazilian trance medium named Luiz Antonio Gasparetto (son of famed spiritualist writer Zíbia Alencastro Gasparetto) was invited to Esalen in 1979. During his stay, Gasparetto channeled an ancient Chinese entity known as Chung In Lang who, through the medium, proceeded to teach methods of energetic healing and the cleansing of patterns to those present. Present and included was Maria Lucia Sauer, Carlos Sauer’s sister. After witnessing this event, Maria dedicated her life to teaching this healing technique both at Esalen and around the world.
In 1982, Carlos received these teachings from his sister as her assistant. He would eventually master the technique to become one of its teachers. He is now honored to bring Spiritual Massage back to its current place of origin, the Esalen Institute.
This workshop will offer practical methods for using the hands as instruments of physical, emotional, and spiritual healing. Participants will learn and practice the application of the technique as well as experience its personal benefits. The workshop is designed for bodyworkers, therapists, health professionals, and anyone interested in learning how to work with energy and bodies.
Please note that it is necessary that the students abstain from alcohol during the workshop. Participants will learn how to apply these healing techniques and will also receive its benefits. We will learn how to perform smudging with white sage and cleansing with sea salt water.
Recommended reading: The Book of Spirits and the Book of Mediums by Allan Kardec
A holistic therapist, ceremonial leader, teacher, and lecturer, Carlos Sauer works with Shamanic Spiritual Healing and comes from a long lineage of Brazilian mediums and healers.